Saturday, July 6, 2013

Days 4, 5 Svalbard

Well my goodness me. My sbcglobal email account was deactivated for some unknown reason and I won't be able to find out till I return home. It's been hectic trying to figure out what to do to stay in touch with my world. So for now please use my iCloud email ( above in the FROM field. You might want to cc the sbcglobal one also just in case.....

Yesterday we had two outings. The morning was 1.5 hours zodiac cruise seeing lots of birds. I came here to see polar bears, I said. I can hardly see these little birds in their small nests but it was a nice cruise. 
In the afternoon we had a special stop at a weather station and a walk around a beautiful area where the puffins were.  Getting pictures was another feat of wet belly photography and avoiding falling off a cliff. Needless to say I did not do that. No industrial accidents so far. 
There was a tiny store there about the size of the bathroom on the ship. 
It was sunny and warm and we all took off our red parkas and enjoyed ourselves. 
The guides are wonderful at guiding us, especially us older folks, up and down the rocks. We are well taken care of. 
We invited a lady who was traveling alone to join us for dinner and that worked out very well. She is American from DC and now lives in England. 
I'm told not to send pictures as it's too slow and I'm using the ship's wifi. Sorry about that. 
Today, Saturday, we had a cruise around some glaciers. We also saw small icebergs, some calving, and birds. Well the birds were well located and though I thought I could see them I was photographing a rock. I don't see
                    well and they aren't big birds. Where are the polar bears, I ask!!!!
Now people are going ashore for an hour walk with trekking poles in wet and rainy conditions. No bears or we could not go. We are learning a lot about the plants and how they survive the winters. It's very gloomy out today where as yesterday was warm and sunny. 
Later we will have a recap and find out what the schedule is for tomorrow. Bears, walrus, fox, seals, those things I can see. Hope I get to.     

Much love, J

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