Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thursday, Nov 8

Hello everyone. We have gone from Strahan to Cradle Mountain and are now checking in at Launceston. The room is really nice here. It must be a condo. Kitchen and dishwasher but no washing machine.  WRONG - found the washing machine. What a thrill. No hand washing. We put in a load and went to Franco's for dinner. Now back and doing second load.

The most exciting thing is that we stopped in Trowunna, an animal park, and saw wildlife.  Held a wombat, petted a Tasmanian Devil, and fed kangaroos.  Got some pictures but having trouble getting them on my iPad to upload for you. It was raining when we got there but who cared. Really fun to see the animals and those who know me know that animals are my passion for photography.

The Devils in the wild have cancer and they are looking for a cure. Meanwhile they are breeding in captivity in the hopes of eventually releasing to the wild. They are adorable, will eat anything including the bones and fur of an animal. We saw six males being fed.

We saw some large birds that looked a little like geese and they roam with the kangaroos. Also saw a Quoll and yellow possum which I have actually seen twice in my front yard at home.

Beautiful scenery on the way. The mountains and hills and fields are all green, full of cows and sheep.

BTW our bus driver is also the guide and talks to us while driving. Even on the winding roads. He's very good. And our tour bus is a Mercedes.

Tomorrow we fly to Sydney. We start to meet up with other people and our other tour. This is Boomerang group and Frances and I will join the Penguin group. It looks very confusing but knowing Melita she has it all worked out.

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